Girl Power
Yesterday we both, my running partner, also known as a running wife apparently, got back on the trail. Not a trail literally, just a jogging path. I used a pair of Nimbus 18’s which I’ve put a few hundred miles on that model of shoe without any obvious issue. This is just to help reduce the number of factors that might have lead to my knee issue.
It felt hard to me, harder than it has been in awhile”
We also took a mostly flat path, very little elevation change except for one tiny incline/decline. My partner has been off with a case of foot problems for a week and in spite of that break she ran her fastest 4 miles ever at 11 minute miles. You go girl!
It felt hard to me, harder than it has been in awhile at least even though I ran two 10k’s are the same or faster pace just this last weekend. Maybe that’s why it felt hard. Or that since I wasn’t running I was ‘running’ on about 1300 calories a day. Not so hard I couldn’t have gone on further but hard enough I was glad enough to have the 45 minutes roll up on the ol’ watch. The knee was twingy most of the way but not ‘too’ bad. We’ll see how my next run works out.
Today is a crossfit day. Which turned out to be a mow the lawn and some basic yard work. Nothing like getting your exercise and a slightly more presentable yard.
The next run is Sunday with a 105 minute Z2 run so about 11:30 minute pace.
The half marathon is only 3 weeks away. I have no doubt, barring injury, we should be able to finish it. I would like to finish it in a reasonable time, for a #notarunner. Right now I’m not sure what I’m going to run it in. The clifton’s? The nimbus 18’s? Nimbus 19’s? Or…?
I have a pair of Altra Torin 2.5’s coming in. I may have already mentioned that. They have a score of 87/88 on and I guess there’s a new model out or coming out because they’re on pretty deep discount everywhere. I really like my Lone Peak 2.5 trail shoes, I wear them as daily shoes.
But it’s possible that no drop shoes aren’t for me or at least not yet. In spite of my having spent most of my youth barefoot. And quite a lot of my first decade as an adult to be honest. It wasn’t till I hit 40 or so that constant wearing of shoes got the calluses down on my soles. Elephant hide should be so tough.