Busy weekend really in terms of not running. Saturday was a 10k run that was supposed to be in z4 but yeah that’s not happening. Ran it the someone who’s still a little behind me in ability and she was pushing 11:00 pace but we did have to do a impromptu run walk run starting about mile 3. Finished with a 12:07 pace which was a PR for me on a 10k so not too shabby. For me.
they’re all a little weird to me in consistency and flavoring”
I could have finished it faster I’m sure, I didn’t feel the need to walk, anymore than I normally do, when we did walk but it doesn’t bother me. I was asked about that and honestly it doesn’t. I’m #notarunner so running slower with someone else isn’t a problem for me.
Bottom line is she’ll catch up. And I have no doubt subsequently pass me by. I’m not built for running.
Sunday I had the thought of doing a little extra so that on our scheduled hour run in Z2 we’d be in sync. And as it turns out I was spot on. I showed up a little early and did 2 9minute miles, a 2 mile PR for me thank you very much. My current runner in tandem showed up right as I was finishing so we just went straight at it.
During the run we were both at the same spot in our HR zones the entire time, when I was pushing into Z3, she was and when we slowed down we were both at the top of Z2 etc. It was better than the normal state where I’m a full zone behind.
All in all I did 2 9 minute miles and 5 12 minute miles and overall happy with that. It also shows that running slower with someone else is still improvement. Maybe not as fast as pushing yourself every time, but also not nearly the same risk of injury.
My TE aka Training Effect for the last couple of months since I started primarily running with her has been around 2.5-2.6. 2.0 is maintaining, 3.0 is improving. It’s a Garmin thing in conjunction with someone else.
My 2 miles today was a 3.0, the next 5 miles was a 2.4. The 10k the day before as a 2.6.
I had some Clif Bloks right before I started today and finished the package after I did the 2 miles. Miles 2 and 3 of the slower 5 mile stretch were feeling a little ‘pushy’ for me after the fast pre-run miles but by mile 4 the carbs got metabolized and things went a little easier.
Clif Bloks aren’t my favorite energy source, I just have several I need to use up. In the “it’s like old Jello” type of carbs I prefer Stinger brand, they’re not as hard to chew as Clif’s and go down a bit easier. Gels such as Gu and Clif and Stinger are all quicker to ingest but they’re all a little weird to me in consistency and flavoring.
Which brings me to a chia based gel I tried. Never again. It was like eating some weird slime jelly except gritty like it had mushy sand. Yes I know that’s exactly what chia seeds are like. I shan’t be partaking of this again.
Of the various energy sources I’ve tried which is most at this point, I’ll likely settle on Stinger Waffles, Tailwind (in water) and Jelly Bellys + SaltStik (or pay the premium for Sport Beans), at least once I’ve used up the various brands of gels and blocks I have. I might switch out the jelly beans for Stinger’s gel block option. The jelly beans are harder to eat.
I’ve got my own recipe for energy cookies which is a DIY Stinger Waffles recipe. It fairly closely matches them in carbs and electrolytes and just in terms of costs are what I’ll likely be using this spring summer as the training sessions get longer and longer. I make them as cookies since I don’t have a pizzelle waffle iron and it seems dumb to spend the money on one when I could just buy 3 or 4 boxes of stingers for the same money. So cookies it is. I’m still playing with it, once I’m happier with it I may post here.