Hey Sweetie…
The Fleet Feet Sweetheart Double has been done. I ran this with a very old friend of mine. Not that he’s old per se, he’s younger than me, but that I’ve known him for 25 years give or take at this point.
there was some hot and heavy sweating all the way through”
This was his first 5K and he chose to run both the 5K and the 10K with me. I’m happy to report he did really well given he’s only been running awhile and he’s only run 3 miles at one time a single time before now.
The 5K was fully ran albeit slow but we finished fast enough to be ready for the start of the 10K.
I wore my Jurek FKT vest for the first time today, just water bottles, no bladder. I must say I liked it. It receded from concious notice fairly quickly and easily. Kind of like wearing a LBE Vest for awhile, you just forget it’s there until you need the stuff on it.
I had no problems having enough ‘stuff’ for the races, some beans, some waffles for the two of us and had pockets to store trash in. The waterproof pocket held up, I put a couple of salt tablets in it and they didn’t melt on me and there was indeed sweating going on.
Like I thought it might, the lack of any 3D mesh or air foam or ridging meant there was no air flow between the pack and my back. It’s also fairly wicking so… Since I didn’t have a bladder in the vest there was some hot and heavy sweating all the way through.
I’ve got a long run tomorrow as usual, it being Sunday, 10min warmup, 50min run, 5 min recovery, 50min run, 10min cool-down, and I’m going to put a bladder in it, I have an old platypus that mostly fits. I may get a new 2L Source bladder, I really like their bladders, for the vest but we’ll see how this one rolls.
When we finish our half marathon training in another couple of months we’ll start a full marathon, just in time for Oklahoma summers. Since I’m not a morning runner and I don’t like running later in the evening after I’ve eaten, I may end up running alone during the week. But that’s a problem to worry about later.
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