No Solo Mio
Set a new PR today for a 10k of 1 hour, 14 minutes, 54 seconds. Some folks are rolling their eyes at at that I’m sure. But try putting a backpack of 70lbs on your back and 25lb ankle weights on each ankle and let’s see where we stack up against each other. 🙂 That’s roughly the difference in weight between myself and the average male distance runner.
she was eaten by zombies twice”
This was the 10K Z4 training run of the Garmin level I HR based half marathon training. Week 8 or 9 I think. Tomorrow is a Z2 hour run.
I have issues with Z4’s. I can’t sustain it for long much less 6 miles, I’m pretty much a Z3 racer/runner when I push it. My heart is more like a semi truck than a Porsche. It takes time to ramp up and the gas pedal only goes down so far to reach the top end. Bu
I was running with a girl, technically a woman but women younger than me by more than 10 years are girls in my mind. This was her first 10k run in several years and 2 kids ago. She’s doing so much better than me. From nothing to 10k in 2 months to reach a pace it took me 6 months to reach. She’s a Porsche. She runs sustained at a heart rate that would quite literally kill me.
Granted she was eaten by zombies twice when the random zombie chases of Zombie Run kicked in and she couldn’t kick in the 20% faster pace necessary to escape. The zombie chases are brutal if you’re already near the top of your distance sustained pace.
So in the event of a real zombie apocalypse it’s good to know I don’t have to outrun the fast zombies I just have to out run her.
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