Stryd’ers on the Storm
The title of this post is a play on a play of words. Back in my younger days when I had more free time and less demands on what time I did I was both a geek and a nerd. i.e. I played roleplaying games. The kind you do with several people. That’s probably not clarified enough, the kind you do with several people, with your clothes on. Okay maybe that’s still debatable. The kind you do with several people, using rule books and dice, with your clothes on and there are no orgasms involved.
But as one of the bigger clydesdales in the herd”
Anyway there are these things called Driders which are a combination of a kind of elf and a spider in a centaur like blending. In one particular session our heroes were at a placed called Storm Shipping and Receiving when they were attacked by Driders. This of course by necessity generated the phrase “Drider’s on the Storm”.
Which is a long way to go about explaining a title that makes sense to now one.
Anyway…. I bought a Stryd foot pod as the pacing and distance from my watch wasn’t as precise as I now want it to be. I was also intrigued by the ‘train using power’ metrics that are being floated around. The Stryd foot pod calculates how much energy/effort you’re expending on each step you take to move your body mass forward. It analyzes all kinds of data from each step and gives you a picture of running motion. It takes into account slopes, go up hill and burn more power, downhill burn less.
The idea is to run so that you burn a specific amount of energy for distance and to go into specific burn zones, i.e. energy output bands, to achieve your training goals. Certain bands and types/timing of training are good for certain things, lactate use, vo2 max increase, physiological changing of the body for running etc.
Now that I’ve finished my half marathon training using the Garmin Heart Rate Zone based plan I’m going to try the Stryd marathon training plan. It’s interesting, the first month is a lot of long slow distance or LSD’s with some sprints, Stryd calles them strides, at the end of the shorter ones. The speeds are slower than I’ve been training with so far for long distances so it’ll be interesting to see the results.
I did a 9 mile run on Sunday at the recommended speed which was about 90 seconds per mile slower than I’d been running long distances and I was a little surprised at how difficult it did feel by the end of the run. There are extenuating circumstances, in the previous month I’d run my first half marathon, normal training, a 5k race on Friday, 2 5K obstacle courses on Saturday and then the 9 mile on Sunday. So there may have been a wee bit of reason as to why 9 miles slow felt kind of tough by the end.
It runs through to mid September over 4 months of training. It’s 3 days a week, starting with 16 miles a week for the first week and ramping up to around 40-50 miles a week at the peak of the training.
But as one of the bigger clydesdales in the herd for distance running long and specifically slow may be what I need at the moment to help clear up a nagging knee issue.
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