ITBS aka Son of a bitch my knee hurts
So I’ve developed a classic case of ITBS or IT Band Syndrome aka the Illiotibial Band.
involves “buns of steel” and “hips don’t lie”
All the classic symptons are there. It didn’t hurt for short distances and then started hurting and then over longer distances eased up. Sprinting, full blown balls to the wall maximal effort, makes it not hurt for a time.
So there’s a lot of bad information or rather invalid information out there about ITBS. And some good information. It can take time to dig through both kinds and come to a conclusion.
I’d been doing the bad information for awhile without seeing any results, no relief and the issue keeps getting worse. That told me that maybe the information I was being given may not be actually accurate.
The bad information involves “Friction” “rubbing” “rolling”, “Icing”, “Stretching”.
The good information involves “buns of steel” and “hips don’t lie”.
The bad information is based on guesswork. The good information based on science.
I prefer to think science is my bitch as opposed to guesswork. Although educated guessing is in part how I do my job so I can’t downplay it too much.
So as it turns out, per the science, ITBS, has significant links to a weak ass and outer hips and acerbated by strong inner thighs (no I don’t own a Thigh Master (R)) and a cross over gait. I have all of those things going against me.
I’m not going to post links here, just google IT Band Syndrome Repair and you’ll come back with links like this (okay so I’m posting one link) –
But there are several others and if you go through all of them you’ll walk away with a decent understanding of what the issue is, what causes it and the best options to fix it.
So for me, after my Half this weekend I’m going to take a week or two off and just focus on strength training in general and very much specific to ITBS. Then I’ll do some shorter runs for a week or two, probably at 5k race pace, and see how things are progressing.
I’ll also be trying to retrain my gait to be a little wider which will help. All of these things should see me running without as much pain or even pain free which is my biggest problem right now. 10 miles isn’t a big deal, 10 miles when you’re in pain for 9 miles of it not so easy to deal with.
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