01 10 2018 Entry
Thought I’d start adding little notes on runs just to have something to look back on when I’m old and feeble (er).
Today the run was intervals, we backed up about 6 weeks in our schedule to have our end date in sync with our first full marathon. FYI we’re running a full marathon in March.
Anyway this pulled us back a bit in effort level so this was a 15 minute warm up, then 5 repeats of 3 minute sprints + 90 second recovery then a cool down.
At this time both myself and Running Wife #1 (I have 3 now although one isn’t aware of it) have succumbed again to some level of injuries so we’re kind of having to take it easy anyway.
I was also on a conference call for work during this run and it was cold with a pretty bad head wind on top of that. And I was under-dressed because I expected temps in the 50’s and it was in the 30s’.
Nothing super noteworthy about this run, we went south along Riverparks instead of our usual north as I wanted to try and cut down some of the noise from traffic. But it just caused more noise from wind as there are no wind breaks on that section at all.
In looking at the same run from 5 weeks ago, sadly there wasn’t any real improvement. But I was distracted during the run due to the conference call and I don’t feel like I was putting 100% into it. I know my RSS for that other run was probably a 8 or 9 and this was was maybe a 7.
Tomorrow is an easy run of 30 minutes but we’re going to change it to hills because we seriously need hill work.
We’re trying to find the ‘right’ 50K for 2018 to be our first time at that distance and it’s tough. Between cut off times, total elevation change, scenery/location, expenses, it’s not an easy decision to make.
We have a 30K in 3 weeks and then our first full in 7 weeks.
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