01152018 Calibration vs LAD.

01152018 Calibration vs LAD.

I wanted to run some calibration laps to make sure my Stryd was dialed in.  After the 16 miles yesterday and it being cold and windy, LAD or Lazy Ass Dennis was in full force.   After 2 laps LAD was sitting on my shoulder “2 Laps is enough to confirm the stryd, it’s cold out here and that wind is ripping right through this polyester.”

Much like the Blerch, LAD tries to sabotage my dedication all the time.  It’s been a 19 month fight agasinst the little bastard and so far he’s lost.   And this time was no different.   At a mile he was really bitching.  So guess what LAD?  You’re doing 2 miles now.  At 2 miles he was whining big time.   Hey we’re doing a 5K now and the last lap is going to be at 8 minutes.   You want to try for 4 miles?

Its these kinds of conversations one has when it’s below freezing and super windy that keep running interesting.