First Half of Half Fanatics Tomorrow
Tomorrow will be the first half of the two races I need to get into the Half Fanatics. Next weekend is a 25K which will satisfy the entry level ‘2 halfs in 16 days’. It’s not so much that I want to be a Half Fanatic but that I want to be a Double Agent. Which requires both Half Fanatic and Marathon Maniac membership.
My dear running wife will pick up her entry into the Half Fanatics at the end of the month when we both do back to back halves and jump up to “Neptune” level.
Why? Because we thought the shirts were cool last year when we ran the Route 66 half.
And it’s both a way to ‘show off’ and a way to encourage others to maybe push through that barrier they think they have and achieve even more. Honestly because of those Double Agent shirts is the only reason I’m considering doing 2 marathons in 2 weeks and that will require some extensive pushing through barriers both mental and physical.
And for whatever reason my post mid life crisis seems to require me to try to push those limits before I can’t.
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