Hogeye Half Marathon
This last weekend I ran the Hogeye Half Marathon in Springdale Arkansas. Sadly I did it without my normal running partner, aka my #runningwife. I did though have a running buddy, a much better runner than me normally and when he tries he’s #awesome but he dialed it back and ran at my ancient dinosaur pace.
We drove down the morning of, getting there right at 5:00 a.m. We went to the tent to try and do our pick up they weren’t ready for us, technically no one was there at all, so we went back to the car to change and then headed back where of course there was now a line.
There was a lot of issues with bibs just in the few people in front of me. Most couldn’t be found, one guy didn’t seem to have ever registered for the race. One marathon runner was a little pissed that he couldn’t get a shirt in his size showing up late on the day of the race.
And as it turned out the guy I was running with ended up with someone else’s bib. I hope Joshua isn’t too upset about his time.
The course wasn’t bad, it wasn’t awe inspiring, it was a city run after all in what is basically a small town but it wasn’t bad. And the last 3 miles wasn’t uphill which was very much appreciated.
I hadn’t planned on running this one fast, I wasn’t really ‘feeling’ it to be honest but I knew I wasn’t doing based on feel.
As usual I started off a little slow (for me, a lot slow for others) but you know what, as usual I ended up passing some of those folks later on who went out too fast and burned out. It can be hard to set a plan and even harder to stick to it. But I’ve found over and over that setting a plan enables me to finish stronger. But as always run your race, not others.
Springdale has a nice wooded area near the lake which they share with Fayetteville and it was a nice place to put part of the route. Although it was a wee bit hilly to be honest.
For the most part the 2018 route had some sharper hills but they were usually quick to deal with and move on, only one long gradual climb.
Around mile 10 or so I knew I’d been going fast enough that I had it in the cards to set a new PR so I stepped it up a bit and the last few miles rolled past as I ‘ate up’ several people that I’d been playing tag with or that had passed me earlier.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t call out a heart felt thank you to an incredibly lovely but nameless girl that I leap frogged a couple of times. She brightened the cold dreary day by just being visible. But in the end getting a new PR beat out hanging back with her so I moved on.
The last mile was very ziggy and zaggy but coming around the last corner I could see the clock at the finish line and it was ticking up to 2:20 so I kicked it up as much as I could, breaking into a 7min pace for that block thank you very much, and I crossed the line with 8 seconds to spare, with a 2:19:52 cutting another couple of minutes of my half PR which I’d just set 2 weeks earlier cutting 7 minutes off my PR with that one.
I’m going to try and break 2:15 with my next half which is in a week and change just to let my running wife get a new PR for ‘real’. She has a 2:16 and change PR from several years ago when she ran the Nike Half in San Francisco. I think she could easily break 2:16 if she wasn’t stuck with #boatanchor in the form of a old reptile.
But I’ll do what I can to get her there.
Gear for this one included (it was damn cold with 20mph winds):
- Brooks Running Tights
- Underarmour Shorts (had to wear this to avoid getting naked in the parking lot)
- Underarmour Infrared Top
- Chowder Dish Running club shirt
- Patagonia Vest
- Garmin HR monitor
- Ultimate Direction Endure waist belt
- Crank Sports eFuel and eGel
- Altra Paradigm V3.0
- Stryd Footpod
- Injini Socks
- Sweetheart Run stocking cap
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