All about that Bass…Pro Marathon
Our next big run, okay our next Marathon or greater run because I just signed up for the 20 mile Midnight Madness run on June 30th by TATUR, is likely going to be the Bass Pro Marathon. The reason for that is a two piece. One of my bucket lists is to join the Marathon Maniacs which the entry level condition is to do 2 marathons (or longer) runs in 2 weeks or 3 marathons or longer in 60 days. The second piece is it lines up perfectly with our ‘last long run’ weekend before our first attempt at a 50K, the Dead Horse Ultra, on November 17th (ish).
So doing the Bass Pro fulfills our long run and sets us up to get the 2 Marathons or longer races in 2 weeks. And it’s within driving distance so that saves on costs. And they have pretty medals.
This summer we’ll have a couple of shorter races, the Fleet Feet Firecracker 5K and Bedlam Run 10K although I’m not sure if Bunny is going to run those with me. I may have to go solo or find another running wife temporarily to fill in. It doesn’t look like the August run is a thing right now, I forget the name of it but I placed 3rd in my age group at that one mostly because all the fast old guys stayed home in the AC. 🙂
The Midnight Madness run will be our first long run weekend to kick off our training program for the Bass Pro / Dead Horse combo. We’ll be taking it a bit easy this week definately, maybe a couple or three mile walk later this week and possibly a short easy run on Sunday. Then the next week just start easing back into things before we hit the 20 mile race.
My current training plan is a combination of a couple of plans I’ve gotten from Ultra books and online. It’s a 5 day a week, TWTSS running schedule because that’s what I’m used to. Wednesday is always an easy day, Saturday and Sunday are always a medium/long combo back to back. One long run a month starts at midnight. Every 4th week is a light recovery week. The T and T days are where I mix it up with pyramids, sprints/strides, thresholds, hill repeats and power hiking. One thing I’ve read and agree with is you have to train your hike/walk as well as your run. A prime example was this last marathon we did where due to injury and heat we ended up walking far more than normal. As a result I ended up with a blister on the side of my right foot back by the heel and my shin muscles are especially sore because they were much more engaged with my walking gait than my running gait.
So don’t just practice running when you’re training for distance, have a couple or three long power walks in there.
My other goal is going to be to drop weight as much as I can between now and November as each pound I can shave off my bod is one pound less I have to haul for 26 and 31 miles respectively. I’ve been holding rock steady at my current weight plus or minus about 4 lbs since last year so on top of my stepping up my weekly mileage for training, I’m going to be stepping down my calories or at least the ‘bad’ calories.
We’ll see how it goes but pending showstopping injury or death I’m going to be climbing those Utah hills and deserts in November so that’s something to look forward to.
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